My Dog Peed on My Couch: Find Out Why and Prevent It!
So, the other day, I walked into my living room and found a lovely surprise from my dog, Buster. Yep, he decided to use my couch as his personal toilet. I mean, come on, he's got his own bed, a whole yard to do his business, but no, the couch was the chosen spot.

First, I just stood there, staring at the stain, trying to process what had happened. Then, the frustration kicked in. I love Buster to death, but this was a new level of testing my patience. I grabbed some paper towels and started the initial cleanup, all while muttering under my breath about the joys of pet ownership.
After the initial shock wore off, I knew I needed to figure out why he did it. Was it a one-time accident? Was he feeling okay? Was he trying to tell me something? My mind went into detective mode. I started by checking if he had been acting differently. I checked the time of his last walk. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.
Then, I remembered reading something about dogs marking their territory. Could that be it? I inspected the couch for any new smells. Maybe a friend's dog had been over and left a scent? Nope, nothing unusual. I ruled that out.
- I considered his diet. Had I changed his food recently? Nope, same old kibble he's always had.
- Next, I thought about his water intake. Was he drinking enough water? Seemed normal.
- Then I looked at his behavior. Was he stressed or anxious about something? He seemed his usual, happy-go-lucky self.
I decided to give the vet a call, just to be safe. After explaining the situation, she suggested it might be a behavioral issue, especially if it happens again. She recommended keeping a close eye on him and maybe trying some positive reinforcement training to remind him where he's supposed to go.
So, that's what I did. I deep-cleaned the couch with some heavy-duty cleaner I found at the store, hoping to eliminate any lingering scent that might encourage a repeat performance. Then I spent the next few days watching Buster like a hawk. Every time he went outside to do his business, I praised him like he had just won the lottery. Treats, belly rubs, the whole nine yards. I even set up a little "potty party" every time he did his duty on the grass.
Did it work?
Well, so far, so good. It's been a week, and the couch has remained pee-free. Buster seems to be back to his old self, and I'm praying it stays that way. I'm still not 100% sure what caused the couch incident, but I'm hoping it was just a weird, one-time thing. Only time will tell, I guess. Cross your fingers for me, folks!