Why Are Flies Attracted to My Dog? Heres How You Can Stop It
Okay, so, today I wanna talk about something that’s been bugging me for a while – flies, and why they’re always buzzing around my dog.

It all started a few weeks ago. I noticed that every time I took my dog, Buster, out for a walk, a bunch of flies would start swarming around him. At first, I didn’t think much of it. “Flies are everywhere in the summer,” I thought. But then, it kept happening, even when we were just chilling in the backyard. And it wasn’t just one or two flies, it was like a whole darn cloud of them!
So, I started paying more attention. I checked Buster all over for any cuts or anything that might be attracting the flies. Nothing. I even gave him a bath, thinking maybe he just needed a good scrub. Nope, the flies were still there, buzzing around him like he was a walking fly buffet.
Then, I noticed something else. Buster was licking himself a lot more than usual, especially around his back end. I took a closer look, and sure enough, there it was – a small, gunky area near his tail. It wasn’t bleeding or anything, but it looked a bit irritated and damp. Aha! I think I found the culprit.
I did some quick research on the internet, and it turns out that flies are attracted to moisture and odors, especially from wounds, skin infections, or even just areas that aren’t kept clean. It made sense now. Buster’s little gunky spot was probably like a five-star restaurant for those flies.
Here’s what I did:
- I cleaned the area around Buster’s tail really well with some warm water and mild soap.
- I applied a thin layer of dog-safe antiseptic cream to help prevent any infection.
- I made sure to keep the area clean and dry, especially after walks or if he got wet.
And guess what? It worked! The flies started to disappear. It took a few days, but eventually, Buster was back to being his usual fly-free self. Phew!
So, yeah, that’s my story about why flies were so attracted to my dog. It turns out it wasn’t some weird dog-fly conspiracy, just a simple case of a dirty spot that needed some attention. Lesson learned: Keep your furry friends clean, especially their back ends, or you might end up with a fly party you didn’t invite!