Why Do I Hate Dogs So Much? Heres a Look at Some Possible Reasons and Explanations.
Okay, let's talk about why I ended up hating dogs so much. It all started a while back, a few years ago, actually. I used to be indifferent to dogs, you know, didn't love 'em, didn't hate 'em. Just another animal.

But then, I moved into this new neighborhood. Seemed nice at first, quiet, good for walking. But holy hell, the dogs. Every other house seemed to have at least one, and these weren't those chill, well-trained dogs you see in the movies. Nope. These were loud, jumpy, and some were even straight-up aggressive.
My first real run-in was with this big, brown mutt from across the street. I was just walking by, minding my own business, when this thing lunged at the fence, barking its head off like I was some kind of intruder. Scared the crap out of me. I started crossing the street whenever I saw that dog out.
Then there was the yappy little thing next door. This one loved to bark at, well, everything. Cars, birds, the wind, you name it. And it wasn't just a bark here and there. This was non-stop, high-pitched yapping, especially at night. I tried earplugs, a white noise machine, even talked to the owners. Nothing worked. Many of my neighbors often get into fights because of their dogs.
Trying to Understand the Hype
- I read some articles online about why dogs bite or act out. Most of them said it wasn't usually random, that there was a reason behind it.
- I even dug into some studies about dog behavior. Did you know that female dogs are more likely to get into fights at home than male dogs? Something like 70% of the time, according to one study.
- There are many dogs lick people's face, hands or feet for many reasons. I hate this so much.
- I also found out that there's a whole bunch of research going on about dog intelligence. Apparently, they're smarter than we give them credit for. They make us happy and healthy.
But honestly, none of that made me like them any more. I just couldn't get past the noise, the constant fear of being barked at or bitten, and the feeling that my peace and quiet had been totally invaded.
It got to the point where I dreaded going outside. I started planning my walks to avoid certain houses. I even considered moving again, just to get away from all the dogs. It felt like I was living in their world, not mine.
So, yeah, that's my story. I'm not saying all dogs are bad or that people shouldn't have them. But for me, personally, after all these experiences, I just can't stand them. It's a shame, really, because I used to be neutral about dogs. Now, it's just pure, unadulterated hatred.